Living with or recovering from…
My husband and I were discussing today about how we went off for a holiday overseas together - back before LP days - even though we knew that Evangeline was chronically ill with CFS/ME (and everything that went with that). We had hired a nanny to look after her and live in at our home.
Guilty? Well, at the time - and as we were told from her Doctors - we genuinely thought that she/we would be living with this forever. As you may know, parents live the journey too, a heartbreaking, helpless rollercoaster.
So, we went away.
Looking back, and that’s not always useful to do at all, we gained clarity and perspective. While away, I decided to leave my full-time teaching job and look after Evangeline myself. I would look for the answer to ‘fix’ her. I did and we have never looked back.
Sometimes it’s useful to get away - to look at your situation from a different lens. To actually rebuild yourself and your relationships, in order to ‘run the race’, coming back refreshed and renewed to keep going. The answer, the solution, is always there. It needs space to appear.
Guilty? No. We’ve let that go and more accurately, we’ve let BE. When we let be with compassion, self kindness and softness, memories and decisions come and go in their own way.
Find and hold some space for yourself.
Jenny xx